How To Find The Best Prescription Safety Glasses

When working in industries that require safety glasses, it can be challenging for staff who already wear prescription glasses. In the past, you would wear your safety glasses over your prescription glasses - but luckily, in today's modern age, prescription safety glasses exist. 

However, with so many available options, it can be overwhelming to find the best prescription safety glasses that suit your needs. 

If you want to put your eye safety first, read this article to learn how to find the best prescription safety glasses.

What Are Prescription Safety Glasses?

Our uvex prescription safety glasses are a type of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) designed to protect your eyes from hazards such as flying debris, chemicals, and harmful UV rays. They are specifically made to fit your prescription, ensuring clear vision while working in hazardous environments.

What Should You Look For?

When looking for the best prescription safety glasses, there are key factors to consider. 

Safety Standards

One of the most important factors to look for when you are searching for the best prescription safety glasses is its safety standards.

Safety standards measure the level of protection provided by the glasses. Our prescription safety glasses at uvex follow the European standard DIN EN 166

In order to label these glasses in accordance with DIN EN 166, they must follow certain criteria such as:

  • protection class
  • manufacturer mark
  • optical class
  • certification mark (if applicable)
  • the symbol for mechanical strength
  • symbol for non-adherence of molten metal

As our uvex RX prescription safety glasses follow these strict guidelines, you can trust that they provide the highest level of protection for your eyes from UV radiation, flying particles, and dust.


The marking of the prescribed safety glasses should be in accordance with DIN EN 166. The marking refers to the frame and lens's factory symbol and production date (MM/YYY). 

If the markings on the frame and the lens are different, it means that lower mechanical strength is applied to the eye protection device. 

These markings ensure that the glasses have been tested and meet the required guidelines for safety standards.


The nose bridge and arms of the best prescription safety glasses must be comfortable. 

The nose bridge should be anatomically shaped while sitting comfortably on the bridge of your nose. The arms should be slip-resistant and adjustable for a perfect fit. 

Our uvex RX prescription safety glasses in South Africa meet all these demands and provide superior comfort for extended wear. 

Get The Best Prescription Safety Glasses Today!

Choosing the best prescription safety glasses is crucial for protecting your eyes in hazardous environments. It is important to consider factors such as level of protection, markings, and comfortability when making a decision.

With our uvex RX prescription safety glasses at your disposal, you can trust that you will get the highest quality eye protection that adheres to European standards.

Don't compromise on your safety; contact us today for the best prescription safety glasses.